Category Archives: Uncategorized

Emergency Disinfectant, Alkaline Water Capable of Killing Bacteria and Pathogens

As a result of the spread of coronavirus that hit all over the world, reminding anyone to always maintain cleanliness. For those who are accustomed to the discipline of maintaining cleanliness, of course things like now are not difficult. However, precisely many sanitary products out there are not available. Whether it's running out or there's […]

Don’t Want to Be Disappointed, Know the Quality of Kangen Water Machine with Similar Products in the Market

Don't buy a cat in a sack. The proverb means to know in advance the goods to be purchased, especially the quality. Do not let the goods that you will use have unsatisfactory quality. So is the quality of the engine from Kangen Water. There are many similar machines on the market with various prices, […]

Water from Ionizer Machine Has Potential to Kill Bacteria and Viruses

The coronavirus has spread throughout the world. Therefore disinfectant products, hand washing soap, hand sanitizer, and other health and hygiene support devices have limited stock. Even if it is still left, it will be sold to be very expensive. It really is not the right time to take advantage of the moment of corona virus […]

Here’s How to Make Your Own Ph Content of Ordinary Water Similar To Zamzam Water At Home

Every day consume drinking water, does not mean knowing how much pH of water drunk. There are many types of water and their properties, for which we usually consume generally have a pH of 6 to 7. Well, now you know how much pH of water you usually consume? Then what is the difference with […]

Healthy Fit Through Regular Exercise and Multiple Mineral Water Consumption

What are you doing to keep your body healthy? Various ways people do to keep their body healthy and fit. Among them is exercising regularly and consuming enough water. For the unfussy, most of our bodies are composed of water. So it is mandatory to consume enough water. Sports can vary, can register to be […]