Author Archives: mykangenwater

Recognize Acid-Base Balance Disorders in the Body

The body is the best reminder if there is a health problem in it. The body will give signals that the owner should be aware of, not ignore. A general example, if the lips are dry, it can be a sign that the body lacks water content and hydration. For this reason, it is advisable […]

Drink Hydrogen Water to Prevent Viral Infections and Boost Immunity

In the midst of the virus pandemic situation that is sweeping the world, it is highly recommended for everyone to maintain their health. By maintaining health, it is hoped that the body’s immunity will be stronger to defend against virus attacks. Many things can be done to strengthen the body’s immunity, such as eating balanced […]

Benefits of Consuming High pH Drinking Water For Health

Did you know that a body that is too acidic or alkaline can cause several metabolic or health problems? To balance acid levels in the body can be dealt with by consuming drinking water with a high pH. Drinking water with a high pH is often called alkaline water, which has a pH above 8. […]

Recognize the Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic

Not only the taste that can be tasted by the tongue, it turns out that the body can exist in acidic conditions. But of course the acid in question is different from the usual taste detected by the tongue. Normally the body has a pH between 7.35-7.45. Then what is meant by an acidic body […]

5 Types of Water That Can Be Produced By Kangen Water Leveluk Machine For Various Needs

Without water, of course life is rather unbalanced and difficult to run. Maybe people can stand not to eat, but it’s hard if you don’t drink water, right? The use of water is also very close to daily needs. Many types of water can be produced by the Leveluk variant of the kangen water machine, […]

Emergency Disinfectant, Alkaline Water Capable of Killing Bacteria and Pathogens

As a result of the spread of coronavirus that hit all over the world, reminding anyone to always maintain cleanliness. For those who are accustomed to the discipline of maintaining cleanliness, of course things like now are not difficult. However, precisely many sanitary products out there are not available. Whether it's running out or there's […]

Desinfektan Darurat, Air Alkali Mampu Bunuh Bakteri dan Patogen

Akibat dari persebaran virus corona yang melanda seluruh dunia, mengingatkan siapa pun untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan. Untuk yang sudah terbiasa disiplin menjaga kebersihan, tentu hal seperti sekarang bukan perkara sulit. Namun, justru produk sanitasi di luar sana banyak yang tidak tersedia. Entah kehabisan atau memang tidak ada supply, yang jelas situasi seperti ini membuat khawatir. […]

Don’t Want to Be Disappointed, Know the Quality of Kangen Water Machine with Similar Products in the Market

Don't buy a cat in a sack. The proverb means to know in advance the goods to be purchased, especially the quality. Do not let the goods that you will use have unsatisfactory quality. So is the quality of the engine from Kangen Water. There are many similar machines on the market with various prices, […]

Tak Ingin Kecewa, Kenali Kualitas Mesin Kangen Water dengan Produk Sejenis di Pasaran

Jangan membeli kucing dalam karung. Peribahasa tersebut bermakna untuk mengetahui terlebih dahulu barang yang akan dibeli, terlebih kualitasnya. Jangan sampai barang yang akan kamu gunakan memiliki kualitas tidak memuaskan. Begitu pula kualitas mesin dari Kangen Water. Banyak sekali mesin serupa di pasaran dengan berbagai harga, mulai dari yang terjangkau hingga harga selangit. Namun yang terpenting […]

Water from Ionizer Machine Has Potential to Kill Bacteria and Viruses

The coronavirus has spread throughout the world. Therefore disinfectant products, hand washing soap, hand sanitizer, and other health and hygiene support devices have limited stock. Even if it is still left, it will be sold to be very expensive. It really is not the right time to take advantage of the moment of corona virus […]